Thursday, May 3, 2018

Fragile Maghreb - French to English #Translation

French to English Translation - Defense and International Policy

Titre: Les rebords fragiles du Maghreb
Title: The fragile edges of the Maghreb

Persistent economic and social disparities between urban centers and peripheral communities are a permanent source of instability for Maghreb countries.


The social and economic marginalization of communities on the periphery of each Maghreb country is a continuing source of instability in the region.

Security forces must distinguish between the threats posed by activists and the grievances expressed by ordinary citizens. A repressive response is likely to have the opposite effect than expected, to intensify the lack of trust in central governments while fueling militancy.

The economic integration of peripheral communities is a priority. This integration must occur at the local level. Otherwise, the perception of corruption and exploitation will reinforce perceived grievances.


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