Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sneak Peak - 9 Translation Industry Trends - EP003

A Translation Ace Ep 003 - 9 Translation Industry Trends in 2019

Check out the third episode of my new audio blog - A Translation Ace Radio - 9 Translation Industry Trends in 2019.

Professor Winn whisks out his crystal ball and makes reasoned observations about the world of translation in 2019.

Your personal translator is a bridge to other cultures.

Here is a preview video for Episode 003 of the A Translation Ace Radio Blog.

Listen to the full audio blog episode at: A Translation Ace Radio Blog Ep 003.

Let Professor Winn - a certified translator of SpanishPortuguese, or French to English texts- provide a solution to your translation problems today.

Send your document(s) and details for evaluation.

I will respond with a free quote.

Professor Winn - your Translation Ace

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Sneak Peak - 7 Elements of a Good Translation - EP002

A Translation Ace Ep 002 - 7 Elements of a Good Translation

Check out the second episode of my new audio blog - A Translation Ace Radio - 7 Elements of a Good Translation.

Learn about the key elements of a good translation so you are better prepared when you need one.

Indeed your personal translator is a bridge to other cultures.

Here is a preview video for Episode 002 of the A Translation Ace Radio Blog.

Listen to the full audio blog episode at: A Translation Ace Radio Blog Ep 002.

Let Professor Winn - a certified translator of SpanishPortuguese, or French to English texts- provide a solution to your translation problems today.

Send your document(s) and details for evaluation.

I will respond with a free quote.

Professor Winn - your Translation Ace

Friday, February 1, 2019

Sneak Peak - A Translation Ace Radio Blog - EP001

A Translation Ace Radio Blog - Episode 001

Welcome to the first episode of my new audio blog - A Translation Ace Radio.

The warmth of the spoken word is much more powerful than text.

Translation is a key service in our global economy.

Indeed your personal translator is a bridge to other cultures.

Here is a preview video for Episode 001 of the A Translation Ace Radio Blog.

Listen to the full audio blog episode at: A Translation Ace Radio Blog Ep 001.

Let Professor Winn - a certified translator - provide a solution to your translation problems today.

Send your Spanish, Portuguese, or French document(s) and details for evaluation.

I will respond with a free quote.

Professor Winn - your Translation Ace

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Fragile Maghreb - French to English #Translation

French to English Translation - Defense and International Policy

Titre: Les rebords fragiles du Maghreb
Title: The fragile edges of the Maghreb

Persistent economic and social disparities between urban centers and peripheral communities are a permanent source of instability for Maghreb countries.


The social and economic marginalization of communities on the periphery of each Maghreb country is a continuing source of instability in the region.

Security forces must distinguish between the threats posed by activists and the grievances expressed by ordinary citizens. A repressive response is likely to have the opposite effect than expected, to intensify the lack of trust in central governments while fueling militancy.

The economic integration of peripheral communities is a priority. This integration must occur at the local level. Otherwise, the perception of corruption and exploitation will reinforce perceived grievances.


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Business Intelligence from the French Web

Let Professor Winn help you build your business intelligence drawn from the French-language web.

Not all important news about the global market is found in English.

If your firm exports or is considering exports, you may lose potential customers or get blindsided by relevant and actionable economic news in French.


Instead, rely on Professor Winn to conduct Internet research in the French-language web and produce a report of his findings in your specially-designed brief in English. 

Learn more now - send a message to Professor Winn about your research project.

French to English Translation

I produce high-quality translations for your personal and business documents at competitive rates without extra charge for a quick turnaround.

Learn more now - send a message to Professor Winn about your translation project.

Friday, April 27, 2018

#Colombia's Delayed Entry into OECD - Spanish to English #Translation

Spanish to English Translation - Business and Economics

Título Original: OCDE aplaza unas semanas decisión de entrada de Colombia a la organización

Headline: OECD delays decision on Colombia's entry for weeks

Spanish to English Translation - traducción
The Commerce Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development met in Paris, France, on Wednesday to determine if the country met requirements for entry into the group of nations.

According to W Radio, although progress was made, the Committee delayed a decision at this time because members believe Colombia still needs to improve in some areas before confirming its entry into the group.

The newspaper La República reported that members would review a document presented by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism last March 23  on the advances in 3 outstanding areas before the organization approves Colombia's entry…


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Business Intelligence from the Spanish Web

Let Professor Winn help you build your business intelligence drawn from the Spanish-language web.

Not all important news about the Latin American market is found in English.

If your firm exports or is considering exports to Latin America, you may lose potential customers or get blindsided by relevant and actionable economic news.


Instead, rely on Professor Winn to conduct Internet research in the Spanish-language web and produce a report his findings in your specially-designed brief in English. 

Learn more now - send a message to Professor Winn about your research project.

Spanish to English Translation

Traduzco sus documentos personales o comerciales con la mejor calidad a precios competitivos. Rapidez de entrega sin costo adicional.

I produce high-quality translations for your personal and business documents at competitive rates without extra charge for a quick turnaround. 

Learn more now - send a message to Professor Winn about your translation project.